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  1. Backseat Advertising Home - Back Seat Advertising

    Backseat Advertising LLC is your EXCLUSIVE source to access the TAPPIN X™ advertising platform. Formats for placement of your digital advertising messages are simple and straightforward.

  2. Ad Rates - Back Seat Advertising

    Rates for advertising messages are based on 3 different levels. National – placements in 10 states or more. Regional – placements in more than 2 states but less than 10 states. Local – placements in one...

  3. Backseat Advertising Articles and Resources - Back Seat Advertising

    Authorities worldwide have continued to ban alcohol advertising. Unfortunately, the crackdowns don’t seem to be ending any time soon. Smart business owners are exploring unconventional channels to...

  4. Contact Us - Back Seat Advertising

    Advertise with Backseat Today! Each and everyday, people are being transported by ride-share drivers to their destinations. They SHOULD be looking at YOUR advertising message during that journey.

  5. Advertising Articles Archives - Back Seat Advertising

    Authorities worldwide have continued to ban alcohol advertising. Unfortunately, the crackdowns don’t seem to be ending any time soon. Smart business owners are exploring unconventional channels to...

  6. Uncategorized Archives - Back Seat Advertising

    To find success online, your business will need to attract as many new customers as possible. But, appealing to a wide audience doesn’t necessarily mean casting a wide net. Trying to sell products and...

  7. Uber Advertising: How Does It Work? - Back Seat Advertising

    What is Uber Advertising? How does it work? This article reviews different types of rideshare advertising and popular platforms that can help you earn more!

  8. Ad Tracking: A Step-By-Step Guide To Do It... - Back Seat Advertising

    What is ad tracking? Why is it important? What are the most popular ad tracking platforms? How can it help you with your advertising campaign?

  9. Paying For Advertising on YouTube When People Skip Ads

    YouTube is one of the most widely used advert platforms. Are YouTube ads effective in advertising? Why do people skip ads?


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